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Monitoramento e Previsão - Internacional - ABRIL 2011


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Gerson, realmente e dificil de entender porque mesmo com a temperatura global caindo, a Europa tem tido um ano "quente", pelos relatos que tenho visto do pessoal dai! Deve ser apenas algum ciclo temporario, e provavelmente ligada a temperatura dos Oceanos no H. Norte!


Gerson, a dias que eu gostaria de perguntar isso a voce, e aos companheiros Bazianos de Portugal que simplesmente sumiram do Topico!!!



Temos falado muito dos E.U.A e Am. do Norte, um pouco porque eu estou morando aqui, e o Bruno, Torales, Caio, Tucci, ja estiveram aqui varias vezes nos ultimos anos, e esse ano estiveram aqui novamente, como o Torales que esteve a alguns dias atras em houston, e o Bruno em Vancouver! O Tucci e o Soares vieram para Aspen tb alguns dias atras...

Todos aqui temos curiosidade para saber mais sobre o clima europeu, mas voces que moram ai nao tem escrito quase nada... eu nao conheco nenhum baziano que esta na Europa, e por isso acabamos falando de onde conhecemos! Estou em Chicago, nao tenho "know-how", "practical knowledge" pra falar do clima da Europa!


Voce e os amigos de Portugal, por favor APARECAAAAAAAAM!!! :lazy: :laugh:

O Topico esta carente de informacoes e se vcs se calarem fica ainda mais dificil!!!





Eu estava somente brincando...eu sei que o pessoal aqui so viaja pra os USA e tals....

Este ultimo mes estive super ocupado com o trabalho e com a visita de minha familia. Nao parei um minuto e raramente entrei aqui no site.

Mas voltando ao assunto "calor de Abril", parece que agora, as vesperas do casamento real, as temps deverao voltar ao padrao normal. Estao prevendo entre 18-12C com tempo nublado/chuva na sexta feira. A very british weather!

Mesmo assim acho que bateremos esse recorde de o Abril mais quente on record.

Minha mae nao para de me xingar dizendo que a culpa do excesso no peso da mala dela se deve ao grande numero de casacos que eu disse que ela tinha que trazer nessa epoca do ano....errei feio! :heat:



PS: Quanto a separar o topico da EUROPA, vou ter que concordar com o Bruno.















Falando em casamento real....


Fotos desse final de tarde. Tempo azulzissimo.....temp em torno de 20C e um ventinho levemente gelado.











Vendedora de bandeirinhas na frente da Abadia de Westminster





Aquele povo louco que dorme de barraca na frente da igreja...








Reporter da Globo



multidoes....e imprensa







Palacio de Buckingham




The Mall e suas bandeiras










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Houveram mais de 130 reports de tornados, COM 58 MORTOS SO NO ALABAMA!!!


"An awful, terrible, disturbing and deadly day of tornadoes unfolded on Wednesday, April 27, 2011 with more than 130 reported tornadoes striking several states in the South and even a few areas in the Mid-Atlantic.


A violent and large tornado tore through a section of Tuscaloosa, Alabama on Wednesday afternoon. First scenes from the city showed images similar to a bomb explosion. Dramatic television played out live on The Weather Channel as we showed a large wedge tornado, roughly a mile in width, tear through the west and northwest side of Birmingham, Alabama. First images from Birmingham were unfortuantely very similar to Tuscaloosa."


Tornadoes Cut Path of Destruction

by Associated Press



BIRMINGHAM,Ala. (AP) -- The mayor of Tuscaloosa, Ala. says at least 15 people have died there, bringing the death toll from severe weather to 74 around the South.


In Alabama alone, at least 58 people died Wednesday. There were 11 deaths in Mississippi, including a father killed as he tried to shelter his daughter from the storm at a campsite.


Tuscaloosa's mayor said sections of the city that's home to the University of Alabama had been destroyed by a massive tornado, while a hospital there said its emergency room had admitted at least 100 people. News footage showed paramedics lifting a child out of a flattened home, with many neighboring buildings in the city of more than 83,000 also reduced to rubble.


Incredible Tuscaloosa tornado







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Se encaminhando para ser o pior tornado outbreak desde 1974!



Igor, acho que ja bateu segundo o Weather Channel!!! Coisa de louco! :prankster:


Record April: Severe Weather Scorecard


Updated: April 28, 2011 11:00 am ET


"It's beena truly awful, record-setting, tornadic April. We've had eleven major severe weather events, some lasting multiple days.


TWC Severe Weather Expert Dr. Greg Forbes (Find him on Facebook) says April has set a record, with a preliminary count of 453 tornadoes during the month (not yet counting the April 27 tornado outbreak totals), breaking the old mark of 267 tornadoes in 1974. Keep in mind, an average entire month of April sees "only" 163 tornadoes.


The all-time record number of tornadoes during one month is 543 set in May of 2003, which is now definitely in jeopardy!


There have been over 6500 severe weather reports (tornadoes, hail, and high winds/wind damage) so far in April. On average, only about 3300 severe weather reports are tallied in an entire April nationwide."



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Houveram mais de 130 reports de tornados, COM 58 MORTOS SO NO ALABAMA!!!


"An awful, terrible, disturbing and deadly day of tornadoes unfolded on Wednesday, April 27, 2011 with more than 130 reported tornadoes striking several states in the South and even a few areas in the Mid-Atlantic.


A violent and large tornado tore through a section of Tuscaloosa, Alabama on Wednesday afternoon. First scenes from the city showed images similar to a bomb explosion. Dramatic television played out live on The Weather Channel as we showed a large wedge tornado, roughly a mile in width, tear through the west and northwest side of Birmingham, Alabama. First images from Birmingham were unfortuantely very similar to Tuscaloosa."


Tornadoes Cut Path of Destruction

by Associated Press



BIRMINGHAM,Ala. (AP) -- The mayor of Tuscaloosa, Ala. says at least 15 people have died there, bringing the death toll from severe weather to 74 around the South.


In Alabama alone, at least 58 people died Wednesday. There were 11 deaths in Mississippi, including a father killed as he tried to shelter his daughter from the storm at a campsite.


Tuscaloosa's mayor said sections of the city that's home to the University of Alabama had been destroyed by a massive tornado, while a hospital there said its emergency room had admitted at least 100 people. News footage showed paramedics lifting a child out of a flattened home, with many neighboring buildings in the city of more than 83,000 also reduced to rubble.


Incredible Tuscaloosa tornado









Vamos ver se eles acertam hoje de novo!!!


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Pois e,

Sem falar na California, regiao de lake Tahoe, que recebeu metros de neve nesse inverno!! A temporada vai se prolongar com certeza!!




Verdade! Se até próximo do litoral as temperaturas teimam em subir muito, imagina nas montanhas da Califa....a neve deve estar farta por lá ainda...pq pelo calor acho que a neve não vai embora, só se chover....

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