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Brasil Abaixo de Zero

Gerson Ibias

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Everything posted by Gerson Ibias

  1. Explore a Tapestry of World Ecosystems link: https://story.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/index.html?appid=dc91db9f6409462b887ebb1695b9c201&webmap=dd6f7f93d54341a69a47002696cf5744 /////////////////////
  2. Global view of 10,765 earthquakes and 69 nuclear explosions since 1900. LINK interativo: https://maps.esri.com/rc/quake/index.html //////////.................//////////////
  3. Global view of 10,765 earthquakes and 69 nuclear explosions since 1900. LINK interativo: https://maps.esri.com/rc/quake/index.html //////////////////////////////////
  4. Temperatura da agua..... LINK: https://www.seatemperature.org/south-america/brazil/ /////////////
  5. MAPAS INTERATIVOS: temperatura (max, min ,media) precipitacao radiacao vento...etc mes a mes...aperte para o zoom. =============================================================== LINK: http://climatemaps.romgens.com/
  6. Mapas interativos: http://www.impactlab.org/map/#usmeas=absolute&usyear=1981-2010&gmeas=absolute&gyear=1986-2005&tab=global&gvar=tas-DJF&usvar=tasmin =================== Temp media DJF Temp Media JJA:
  7. Pra quem quiser brincar como se todo dia fosse CHRISTMAS!!!!😋 https://weatherspark.com/map?id=29559&pageType=1
  8. ^^ Va no site: https://globalsolaratlas.info/map?c=28.420391,1.669922,5 Na parte inferior a esq do mapa clique em PVOUT e escolha o mapa de Air Temperature. Clique em algum ponto do mapa e ao lado direito aparecera uma tabela com: temp media, altitude, irradiacao etc...
  9. Distribuição da temperatura ao longo do dia e ao longo do ano em algumas capitais:
  10. Regioes do Leste Europeu/Balcans vao registrar temperaturas d +20C no final de semana e depois muito frio/neve no meio da proxima semana. Vide Viena, Budapeste, Belgrado, Sofia, Bucaresti.....
  11. February Northern Ireland's wettest month ever... and more rain's on way Walkers battle with wind and rain in Belfast during Storm Ciara It's not over just yet, but February is the wettest month ever in Northern Ireland since records began, according to weather experts. Met Office figures show that the total rainfall between February 1 and 25 was 195.1mm. With an average monthly total of 83.5mm at the Met Office's 20 measuring points across the country, this was 234% of the typical average February rainfall. Northern Ireland's previous wettest February was in 1990, when an average of 194.4mm of rain fell. Prior to that the record dated back as far as 1923, when an average of 178.3mm was recorded. Rainfall in some western areas of Northern Ireland in February was approximately 160% of the monthly average. Counties Fermanagh and Tyrone were the wettest parts of the province, with Co Down seeing the least amount of rainfall. Despite the heavy deluges, temperature-wise Northern Ireland enjoyed a fairly mild month, with an average daily maximum reading of 7.8C. The average monthly maximum temperature for the province is 7.4C. The Department for Infrastructure said "significant" rainfall in recent weeks left water levels higher than normal in lakes and watercourses. Water levels in Lough Neagh are currently at the highest since the south shore flooded four years ago, causing extensive damage. Business owners voiced anger at "poor management" of the lough after more flooding this week. They said the Department for Infrastructure should be lowering the lough in late October or early November ahead of storms and heavy rainfall. The latest weather data comes as forecasters warn of more bad weather set to hit Northern Ireland this weekend.
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