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Brasil Abaixo de Zero

Gerson Ibias

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Everything posted by Gerson Ibias

  1. Hoje esta entre 3C e 1C com neblina/chuvisco e sleet o dia todo........Agora a noite comecou a dar umas pancadinhas bem leve de neve pra recepcionar a chegada do Marcos. :good:
  2. Previsao do met-office Qua 8C 0C Qui 4C -1C Sex 4C 0C Sab 5C 0C Dom6C 2C Seg 8C 3C
  3. ^^ Passa-se muito mais frio em Porto Alegre do que calor em Londres...
  4. Sugestao a moderacao: Eu faria um thread com Europa e o resto do mundo juntos, ja que pelo visto tem muita pouca procura. So uma ideia!! :good2:
  5. Palestine, Israel, Siria covered in Snow whilst Dolomites and most of the Alps are snow free The photo below was taken in Palestine as snow covered the region last night. People woke up and couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw vast areas covered in white. A Saudi Arabian man is seen taking pictures, in complete disbelief as Saudi Arabia also woke up to unprecedented snow fall levels during the night. Damascus: Sirians also woke up to find snow outside. Luckily enough snow stopped most of the fighting at first as heavy vehicles and soldiers could not travel and were blocked as an unprecedent silence reigned over the region this morning A visitor climbs the steps of the Bachus temple in Baalbek as snow covers the Roman ruins of the historic town in eastern Lebanon's Bekaa Valley Men play in the snow after a heavy snowstorm in Amman, Jordan
  6. Me manda uma mensagem.....quem sabe a gente nao se encontra para um coffee!!!!! :ok: PS: Ontem foi phoda......com sensacao termica mais baixa por causa do vento. Certo!!! Só tenho que ver como será a programação. No final de semana de 18/2 estarei em Paris, mas será rápido. Gostaria de pegar o frio que vocês tiveram esses dias e com sol, algo como -3° a 5°. Seria demais. Vou te mandar uma PM com meu numero. Geralmente to livre depois das 4pm....mas pode me ligar qq hora depois do meio dia.
  7. Me manda uma mensagem.....quem sabe a gente nao se encontra para um coffee!!!!! :ok: PS: Ontem foi phoda......com sensacao termica mais baixa por causa do vento.
  8. Aqui em Londres tem estado bem frio e seco. Temp nos ultimos 5 dias: 4C -4C 5C -3C 5C -2C 3C -2C 6C -4C Muitos lagos nos parques ja estao congelados...
  9. Mais uma grande nevasca da Argelia. A cidade de Ain Sefra (1070m--- 32N )no limite do Sahara ficou coberta de neve. Primeira vez desde 1979. Outras fotos aqui: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4140326/Sahara-Desert-hit-biggest-snowfall-living-memory.html ============================== A metre of snow falls in the Sahara desert Sledging… in the Sahara! African desert region is hit by its biggest snowfall in living memory with snow up to a METRE deep The town of Ain Sefra in western Algeria has recorded the first snowfall in the town since February 18, 1979 For the first time in their lives Children are building snowmen in town known as 'Gateway to the Sahara Desert' Cold weather has delivered snow and freezing temperatures to Costa del Sol, Majorca and now North Africa The Sahara Desert has recorded the biggest snowfall in living memory after a freak winter storm in Algeria. Incredible pictures show the desert town of Ain Sefra surrounded by snow which is at least a metre deep. The town saw a sprinkling of snow just before Christmas when a few flakes settled on the red sand dunes of the world's hottest desert for the first time in 37 years.
  10. Partes do litoral sul espanhol e Mallorca recebem maior nevasca dos ultimos 35 anos. In a rare event snow fell on the coastal regions of Valencia, Alicante and Murcia and on the beaches of the Balearic Islands. Mallorca which attracts many visitors with the promise of winter sun, saw the worst of the cold front on Tuesday. With nine roads closed because of heavy snow. Snowfall is even forecast for Thursday in the North African Spanish enclave of Ceuta, which has not seen snow since 1993.
  11. . . . . . A neve tb atingiu com forca a parte mais ao norte da Tunisia: Algumas areas chegando a mais de 50cm. ==================================================== Tunisian authorities hand out food, blankets to trapped motorists
  12. Muita neve na Argelia. Constantina, a 3a maior cidade esta totalmente branca. (700m alt / media de Janeiro e' de 7C) Chutes de neige : routes coupées, vols annulés et écoles fermées à Constantine Plusieurs axes routiers ont été coupés à la circulation à Constantine à cause des fortes chutes neige qui se sont abattues sur la ville. Les localités Djebel El Ouahche, Ziadia et El Mridj, sont quasiment isolées. Plusieurs écoles sont restées fermées. Les élèves qui ont pu rejoindre leurs établissements ont dû retourner chez eux. Les routes entre Constantine, Batna et Souk Ahras sont bloquées à cause de l’amoncellement de la neige. À l’aéroport de Constantine, tous les vols sont annulés jusqu’à nouvel ordre.
  13. Que mapa sensacional ! Você sabe se existe algum mapa que mostre a cobertura de neve normal para a época ? hummmmmmm.........nao conheco, mas deve ter algum. PS: Aqui o link do mapa que postei. http://zoz.cbk.waw.pl/snieg/en/index.html
  14. Agora aqui na area central de Londres cai uma mistura de chuva/sleet/pancadas esparsas de neve........acho que nao vai acumular devido ao solo muito molhado. Temp. de 2C. Nos suburbios mais afastados a neve fraca comeca a acumular.
  15. Praia em Porto Cesareo, Puglia.....sul da Italia(no salto alto da "bota")
  16. ^^ Ainda mais quando se tem de aguentar um mes inteiro de temperaturas senegalesas so pra visitar a familia no Natal Gauderio. :heat:
  17. Heavy snowfall paralyses Istanbul A heavy snowstorm paralysed life in Istanbul on Saturday, with hundreds of flights cancelled and the Bosphorus closed to shipping traffic. Almost 65 centimetres (25 inches) of snow fell on parts of the Turkish metropolis overnight and during the day, causing havoc on roads as travellers sought to leave the city for the weekend. For those not travelling, the snow provided a rare chance to see Istanbul's famous minaret and dome-studded skyline cloaked in white. Flag carrier Turkish Airlines (THY) cancelled some 610 flights from the main Ataturk International Airport as well as from Sabiha Gokcen airport, with the snow causing poor visibility and high winds. Rival carrier Pegasus cancelled 192 flights out of Istanbul. Turkish Airlines also cancelled 62 flights scheduled for Sunday. Four THY intercontinental flights -- from India, the Maldives, South Africa and Vietnam -- bound for Istanbul were diverted to the southern city of Gaziantep north of Syria, the Dogan news agency said. Some 76 incoming flights were diverted to other airports. Almost 6,000 travellers are being accommodated in hotels in Istanbul after their flights were cancelled, reports said. Coastguards also ordered a halt to shipping traffic in both directions through the Bosphorus Strait -- one of the world's busiest sea thoroughfares. The municipal ferry company Sehir Hatlari which handles the regular passenger crossings between the European and Asian sides of the city announced that all its routes had been suspended for the day. The metro in Istanbul will meanwhile operate all night to compensate for the difficulties on the city's roads. Forecasters predicted that the snowstorm would continue throughout the day before dwindling in the evening. Temperatures were expected to stay well below freezing in the days to come.
  18. Current look at temperatures and synoptic situation across Europe: the polar airmass persists over NE-E-SE Europe, with temperatures well below zero, even below -10 °C over much of the area. A large cutoff upper low has formed over the SE Europe and E-CNTRL Mediterranean. The system is expected to persist until the middle of next week, bringing intense sea-effect snow from the Black Sea over the Marmara region as well as intense snowfall in S Turkey and Lebanon, where locally 50 cm to 100+ cm of snow is expected. A warm front is crossing the North Sea and into BeNeLux and Denmark and S Sweden, expect freezing rain threat there.
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