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Gerson Ibias

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Everything posted by Gerson Ibias

  1. Which place in Britain has gone without rain the longest? ? That’s 55 consecutive days!!!!! The last day of widespread rainfall for East Anglia and southeast England, it says, was way back on May 29. The World Cup was yet to start. Schools - now broken up for summer - were just halfway through the term. Trump and Kim Jong-un hadn’t met. And since then? A “dry” day, according to the Met Office, is one which sees less than 1mm of rain. By this definition, dozens of places have been dry all summer long. That’s 55 consecutive days, starting on May 30 (up to and including July 23). Heathrow has seen the least rainfall over that 55-day period - a miserly 0.4mm - followed by Hampton Water Works in southwest London (0.6mm) and RAF Kenley in Surrey (1mm). For the first time in your life, you may well be struggling to remember the last time it rained. The heatwave has left gardens across the country parched, while much of our normally green and pleasant land has taken on a brownish yellow hue more readily associated with the Australian Outback. The dry spell has been most prolonged in southeast England and East Anglia, but which corner of the country has gone the longest without even a shower? We asked the Met Office to reveal all. The last day of widespread rainfall for East Anglia and southeast England, it says, was way back on May 29. The World Cup was yet to start. Schools - now broken up for summer - were just halfway through the term. Trump and Kim Jong-un hadn’t met. And since then? A “dry” day, according to the Met Office, is one which sees less than 1mm of rain. By this definition, dozens of places have been dry all summer long. That’s 55 consecutive days, starting on May 30 (up to and including July 23). Heathrow has seen the least rainfall over that 55-day period - a miserly 0.4mm - followed by Hampton Water Works in southwest London (0.6mm) and RAF Kenley in Surrey (1mm). But the title of Britain’s driest place should probably go to Brooms Barn, near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk. The Met Office reports that a large majority of sites in East Anglia have had no rain whatsoever since June 21, but Brooms Barn has enjoyed/endured 49 consecutive days without a single drop of rain. That’s 0.0mm, every day, since June 5. hich is the UK’s hottest spot? Until yesterday, the highest recorded temperature since the heatwave began was at Porthmadog, a seaside town in the Welsh county of Gwynedd. For three sweltering days, June 27, 28 and 29, it reached 31.9C, 33C and 32.5C, respectively. Who needs Barbados when you’ve got Wales? There’s another very good reason to visit Porthmadog, besides the heat – it sits at one end of the picturesque narrow-gauge Ffestiniog Railway. But that record was snapped up by Santon Downham in Suffolk on July 23, where it reached 33.3C. It could get hotter still. Temperatures in excess of 33C are predicted for Wednesday, while Thursday and Friday could see the 34C barrier broken. How does this year’s heatwave compare with 1976? In 1976, the UK experienced its hottest and sunniest summer on record. Temperatures exceeded 35C on five different days, while Heathrow recorded 16 consecutive days over 30C (between June 23 and July 8). So far 2018 hasn’t reached those heights. However, during the summer of 1976, the longest period without rain - experienced in parts of the South West - was 45 consecutive days. So in terms of drought, 2018 has already trumped it. What are the records? The hottest temperature ever recorded on UK soil was 38.5C at Faversham in Kent on August 10, 2003. That was during the hottest summer in Europe since at least 1540 (a year that saw the Rhine and Seine rivers dry up). Temperatures in 2003 reached a staggering 48C in the Portuguese town of Amareleja and topped 40C in France, Spain, Switzerland and Italy. As for rainfall, the longest number of consecutive “dry” days (less than 1mm) - according to the Met Office’s records (which stretch back to 1910) - was a 70-day sequence in 1969 from August 31 to November 8 at two Suffolk locations: Sudbury, on the River Stour, and Washmere Green. Looking further back, the spring of 1893 may well have been the driest period seen in modern Britain. Many places saw no rain for the whole of March and April, while Mile End in east London saw 73 consecutive days without so much as a drop (March 4-May 15). The table below shows some of the most significant droughts on record, according to the Royal Meteorological Society. The summer of 2018 may well be added to any updated list. Last week the Met Office blog revealed that the period June 1-July 16 represented the driest start to a summer since at least 1961, with just 47mm of rain across the country. When will it all end? Should dry conditions persist for the next five weeks, 2018 could well become the driest summer on record. That honour currently goes to 1995, with total rainfall over the full three months of 103mm. Fortunately - for both wildlife and gardeners - some rain is on the horizon, with thunderstorms predicted for the second half of the week. Should high temperatures persist, it could also supplant 1976 as the hottest summer ever. “It is important to remember we are only half way through the season and a lot can change,” said the Met Office. But summers like this could soon become the norm. The Met Office predicts that average temperatures in the south of England could rise by around 3C in the next decade, and by more than 6C by 2050. Related Topics Weather Heatwave
  2. ^^ Nem me fala. Ja fazem umas 4/5 semanas que os termometros nao baixam de 27/28C e a noite fica nos 18/20. Eu estou dormindo com a janela totalmente aberta ha varios dias..... mesmo com o sol batendo na cara as 5am. Nao lembro, em mais de 20 anos, de algo assim tao continuo. E so choveu UMA vez em quase dois meses !!! Os parques estao todos amarelados!!
  3. MetSul Meteorologia‏ @metsul 49m49 minutes ago TEMPO | Mínimas deste domingo: São José dos Ausentes: -2,4°C Soledade: -1,2°C Bom Jesus: -0,8°C Vacaria: -0,5°C Canela: -0,2°C Santa Rosa: 0,0°C Pelotas: 0,1°C Serafina Correa: 0,1°C São Francisco de Paula: 0,2°C Lagoa Vermelha: 0,4°C Livramento: 0,7°C Farroupilha: 0,9°C
  4. MetSul Meteorologia‏ @metsul 5h5 hours ago Sierra de la Ventana, na província de Buenos Aires, amanheceu hoje com os morros brancos após a neve de ontem. Fotografia via @joacolascombes.
  5. PORTO ALEGRE A Capital gaúcha teve o amanhecer mais frio do ano, segundo dados do Ceic Metroclima. Estações do sistema registraram 3,0°C no Lami e 4,4°C no Sarandi. Geou em alguns bairros da cidade, especialmente da zona Sul.
  6. Nem parece que batemos um recorde de 29C a pouco mais de uma semana. Muito frio nesses ultimos dias....amanha forecast de maxima de 5/6C , .....muita chuva, vento e sensacao termica de -2C. ....ja quase em Maio.
  7. Portugal’s Snowiest Ever Ski Season? Many people don’t realise that Portugal – a land most famous for its sunny weather and coastal villages – has a ski area vat its highest point at Serra da Estrela, nearly 2,000m up and east of capital Lisbon towards the Spanish border. So it comes as a double surprise to discover not only that this ski centre exists, but also that it is currently enjoying what may be its snowiest ski season ever – meaning it is still open in late April when many of the wold’s biggest and highest ski areas have already ended their seasons. The latest in a series of huge snowstorms to hit the slopes of Portugal this winter brought drifts of up to six metres as it raged on the latter days of last week. It took road and ski area crews two days to dig out access and lifts and the centre re-opened with amazing snow conditions on Monday 16th April. The resort’s managers hope that all the publicity generated by the snowfall will help in their campaign to look in to the possibilities of installing a gondola lift at the area to increase the ski area’s vertical and improve the wider tourism potential of the region. So far there’s no news on an end date to the season.
  8. ^^ Ja voltamos a normalidade: Maximas de 12-14C e tempo instavel!!
  9. Dia mais quente de Abril desde 1949: Hottest April day in 70 years as warm air set to push temperatures to 28C Temperature tops 28C in UK as forecasters predict warmest London marathon on record Parts of the UK experienced the warmest April day in almost 70 years with temperatures in central London reaching 28C (82F), prompting warnings for competitors in the marathon. On Thursday the balmy spell peaked in England’s south-east, where it was hotter than Spain and Italy. Temperatures reached 28.3C in St James’s Park, central London, and 27.9C in Northolt, north-west London. The temperatures made the day the warmest of the year so far and the hottest April day since 1949 when the mercury soared to 29.4C.
  10. This Copernicus Sentinel-2A image of Libya captured on 22 March shows Saharan dust being blown northwards across the Mediterranean Sea. Lifted into the atmosphere, the dust was carried by the wind and pulled back down to the surface in rain and snow. It reached as far afield as Greece, Romania, Bulgaria and Russia. While the orange-tinted snow baffled skiers, meteorologists say this phenomenon occurs about every five years.
  11. "Paisagem Marciana" Neve laranja toma conta das regiões montanhosas do Leste Europeu Fenômeno aconteceu devido a tempestade de areia no deserto do Saara, no continente africano Países como Bulgária, Rússia e Ucrânia tiveram uma segunda-feira (26) um pouco diferente do que estão acostumados. As regiões montanhosas do Leste Europeu foram tomadas por uma neve laranja, devido a uma tempestade de areia no deserto do Saara, no norte da África. As informações foram divulgadas pelo jornal O Globo. Muitos internautas retrataram o fenômeno como uma "paisagem marciana". "Quase como no deserto", disse uma mulher em sua conta no Instagram. Causado por uma mistura de partículas de areia, poeira e pólen que são varridas pelas tempestades no norte do continente africano, o fenômeno acontece a cada cinco anos aproximadamente. "Olhando para imagens de satélite da Nasa, notamos muita areia e poeira na atmosfera à deriva no Mediterrâneo", afirmou o meteorologista Steven Keates, do serviço de meteorologia do Reino Unido, ao jornal britânico The Independent. Ainda segundo o especialista, quando a areia alcança níveis superiores da atmosfera, ela é distribuída para outros lugares do globo.
  12. A neve que nao era esperada pra hoje, voltou. Pancadas (fraca/media) desde o meio da tarde para surpresa dos forecasters por aqui. Acho que acumulou uns 1/2cm. Em Nottingham parece que chegou a 15cm. 20180318_172241.mp4
  13. Pois e' amigos, depois de uma semana quase primaveril por aqui, o frio de hoje veio com toda a forca. A temp esta em torno de 0C mas com sensacao de -6C por causa das rajadas congelantes. Passou o dia todo nevando fraco, com alguns pancadoes mais fortes de vez em quando....agora a noite comecou a acumular um pouco. Falo em Londres, pq no interior tem locais que passaram dos 10cm.
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