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Brasil Abaixo de Zero

Sérgio Moreira1515095448

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Posts posted by Sérgio Moreira1515095448

  1. Durante a madrugada, o tempo foi limpando aos poucos e agora estamos com algumas nuvens baixas e um Solzinho querendo aparecer. Em casa, estou com 7,2°C.



    Sérgio uma coisa que venho anotando e percebendo a tempo , quando estamos sob influencia de MP maritima e voces tem garoa ai , por aqui mesmo limpo é o vento que nao para por nada , percebeu ?


    Voce disse que ai no comecinho da manha começou a limpar , correto ? Foi a hora que o vento deu uma amenizada aqui e a temperatura caiu olha :


    Lage - Noite toda com rajadas acima dos 30km/h , quando o ventou parou entre 6h e 7h a temperatura que ficava na casa dos 10°C caiu pra 7,8°C a minima !


    Reserva - Noite toda entre 30km/h-35km quando parou caiu pra 8°C


    Agora céu azul o vento deu uma bela acalmada as rajadas mal passam dos 13km nenhum nuvem e 13°C , vamos ver como sera a noite !


    Não deixa de ser frequente, situações assim: do lado paulista, nublado com garoa e do lado mineiro, tempo aberto. A nebulosidade parece que fica " represada" desse lado. Será que só a dificuldade de transpor a altitude, explica isso ?? Ou sei lá, correntes de vento, também influenciam ??


    Por outro lado, hoje acho que estamos empatado. Por aqui, céu absurdamente AZUL. Mas, com vento gelado. Temperatura de 14°C.

  2. Dia "prometendo" na Granja Viana: gelados 14,4ºC; ventoso, garoa leve e encoberto. Sensação térmica lá embaixo!


    Sol muito tímido; mal aparece devido ao tempo encoberto. Temperatura de 15,2ºC. Bem frio!


    Aqui ja apareceu , céu azul em meio a muitas nuvens 15°C tambem !


    Aqui em Campos do Jordão, bem diferente. A garoa continua e o vento frio até aumentou um pouco. Continuamos com 11°C.


    No Vale, garoa também e 16°c em Taubaté.

  3. De longe, é prá lá de interessante o que vai acontecer na Nova Zelandia nos próximos dias. Muita chuva e muita neve.




    ISSUED BY MetService AT 8:56 pm 17-Jun-2015

    Major winter storm over the South Island through to Friday

    A deepening low over the Tasman Sea approaches the South Island during Thursday and crosses over the far south on Friday. This low and its associated fronts are expected to bring a period of stormy weather to parts of the South Island.


    Initially, strong northwest winds affect eastern areas of the South Island, and the winds in Canterbury and Southland are likely to reach severe gale in some places through to Thursday morning, with gusts of 130 km/h near the Canterbury Foothills. Winds of this strength could cause damage to trees and unsecured structures, and make driving hazardous.


    Heavy rain in Fiordland spreads into Westland early Thursday morning, then continues into Friday morning. During this time 300 to 500mm of rain could fall about the ranges, although this will be heavy snow at high altitudes. About the Westland coast 140 to 180mm of rain is likely. This is a significant amount of rain, even for these areas, and is likely to lead to surface flooding, slips, and rapidly rising streams and rivers.


    Cold air moving onto the south of the South Island is expected to combine with the rain in Canterbury, Otago and Southland to bring significant amounts of heavy snow to low levels. Snow is likely to near sea-level in the south and about 200 metres in North Canterbury from late Thursday morning until early Friday. Parts of Otago and South Canterbury are likely to be hardest hit, with accumulations reaching 20 to 30cm at 200 metres and a metre or more above about 700 metres. This amount of snow is likely to cause major disruptions to transport through these areas, cause distress to people or stock in exposed outdoor places, and could damage trees and bring down powerlines.






    Heavy rain is expected to continue into Friday morning. In the 33 hours from 9pm Wednesday until 6am Friday, 200 to 250mm of rain is likely north of Doubtful Sound, with 300mm possible in a few places. Further south, 100 to 150mm of rain is expected during the same period. Initially, the snow level will be around 900 metres, but about the Lakes the snow level is expected to lower to around 200 metres during Thursday.


    FREEZING LEVEL: 1300 metres, lowering to 700 metres in the east during Thursday.





    Heavy rain should develop early Thursday morning, then continue into Friday morning. In the 30 hours from 3am Thursday until 9am Friday, 300 to 400mm of rain is likely about the ranges, with 500mm possible in some places. During the same period 140 to 180mm of rain is expected nearer the coast. Above about 1400 metres this rain will fall as heavy snow.


    FREEZING LEVEL: About 1800 metres






    Cold rain is expected to turn to snow above 200 metres Thursday morning. Between 6am and 3pm Thursday, 10 to 15cm of snow may accumulate at 400 metres with greater amounts at higher altitudes.


    Further snow is possible on Friday.





    Cold rain is expected to turn to snow about inland areas of Otago late Thursday morning. Between 9am Thursday and 6am Friday, 15 to 25cm of snow could accumulate at 200 metres. During the same period 70 to 100cm of snow is possible at 700 metres. About Dunedin and near the coast snow is likely to lower to around 100 metres Thursday evening and between 9pm Thursday and 6am Friday 5 to 10cm of snow could accumulate at 200 metres.



    Canterbury south of the Rangitata River


    Snow is expected to lower to near sea-level Thursday afternoon. Between 10am Thursday and 5am Friday, 20 to 30cm of snow could accumulate at 200 metres. During the same period 40 to 60cm may accumulate at 500 metres with more than a metre possible at higher altitudes.



    Inland Canterbury between the Rangitata and Ashley Rivers


    Snow is expected to lower to around 200 metres Thursday afternoon. Between 11am Thursday and 4am Friday, 15 to 20cm of snow could accumulate at 300 metres. During the same period 40 to 60cm may accumulate at 500 metres with more than a metre possible at higher altitudes.






    Severe gale northwesterlies gusting 120 km/h are likely in exposed places through to 6am Thursday.



    Canterbury, especially close to the Foothills


    Severe gale northwesterlies gusting 130 km/h are likely in exposed places through to midday Thursday.



  4. Tempo limpou no fim de manha e no moento céu azul aqui sem frio faz 18°C , as minimas ficaram entre 7°C - 9°C



    Alguem viu que o GFS tirou um pouco da chuva nesse fim de semana aqui ? Por ele a chuva é só na sexta porem aumentou muito o frio pro sabado e domingo , coloca 3°C , com isso podemos ter boas negativas nas baixadas !


    Esse bairro Reserva já foi bom; até Taubaté está mais frio. :laugh: :laugh:

  5. Na capital paulista temperaturas entre 13,1 em Parelheiros ( estação mais ao sul do Cge ) e 19,2 em Perus ( estação mais ao norte do Cge ) ...


    Caiu mais um pouco , agora variando de 12,3 em Parelheiros a 18,2 em Pirituba ...Nenhum sinal de que o tempo irá abrir aqui na minha região .


    Aqui cada vez mais fechado... :cray: Faz 15,4ºC na Vila Mariana.


    Taubaté também tudo nublado com 18°C.


    Lá para o norte do estado, esse friozinho nem deu as caras; Barretos chegou aos 28°C nessa tarde.

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